
Kai Engelhardt’s personal public space


As a verification architect I

This often means I do things somewhat differently. If that is the case and the cost/benefit trade-off looks promising, I help with educating engineers how to do things differently, too.


See google scholar, dblp, or my local list.

Recent presentations include

the data refinement book Errata for the data refinement book: pdf.


Most recent work is sequestered in ARM, QualComm, or Ghost Autonomy IP.

Formalisations and proofs of problems, e.g., from the “100 list” in PVS.


News 2023/05/03: The 2022 iteration of the ACM Software System Award goes to our team of authors of seL4: formal verification of an OS kernel.

News 2023/04/03: Build instructions for PVS on ARM Macs.


Email & Messages.app: k <digit one> k <digit two> t <at> icloud <dot> com (even the old kaie <at> cse <dot> unsw <dot> edu <dot> au could still work)