Publications by Kai Engelhardt (~) in reverse chronological order
Toby Murray, Robert Sison, and ~.
Covern: A logic for compositional verification of
information flow control.
In Frank Piessens and Matthew Smith, editors, IEEE European
Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), April 2018.
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Shared memory concurrency is pervasive in modern
programming, including in systems that must protect
highly sensitive data. Recently, verification has
finally emerged as a practical tool for proving
interesting security properties of real programs,
particularly information flow control (IFC)
security. Yet there remain no general logics for
verifying IFC security of shared-memory concurrent
programs. In this paper we present the first such
logic, Covern (Compositional Verification
of Noninterference) and its proof of soundness via a
new generic framework for general
rely-guarantee IFC reasoning. We apply
Covern to model and verify the
security-critical software functionality of the
Cross Domain Desktop Compositor, an embedded device
that facilitates simultaneous and intuitive user
interaction with multiple classified networks while
preventing leakage between them. To our knowledge
this is the first foundational, machine-checked
proof of IFC security for a non-trivial
shared-memory concurrent program in the literature.
A better composition operator for quantitative information flow
In Simon N. Foley, Dieter Gollmann, and Einar Snekkenes, editors,
Computer Security – ESORICS 2017, 22nd European Symposium on Research
in Computer Security Oslo, Norway, September 11–15, 2017, Proceedings, Part
I, volume 10492 of LNCS, pages 446–463, Oslo, Norway, September
11–13 2017. Springer-Verlag.
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Given a description of the quantitative information
flow (qif) for components, how can we determine the
qif of a system composed from components? We explore
this fundamental question mathematically and provide
an answer based on a new composition operator. We
investigate its properties and prove that it
generalises existing composition operators. We
illustrate the results with a fresh look on Chaum's
dining cryptographers. We show that the new operator
enjoys various convenient algebraic properties and
that it is well-behaved under composition
Peter Gammie, Antony L. Hosking, and ~.
Relaxing safely: Verified on-the-fly garbage collection for
In Steve Blackburn, editor, PLDI 2015, 36th annual ACM
SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages
99–109, Portland, OR, May 2015. ACM.
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We report on a machine-checked verification of
safety for a state-of-the-art, on-the-fly,
concurrent, mark-sweep garbage collector that is
designed for multi-core architectures with weak
memory consistency. The proof explicitly
incorporates the relaxed memory semantics of x86
multiprocessors. To our knowledge, this is the first
fully machine-checked proof of safety for such a
garbage collector. We couch the proof in a framework
that system implementers will find appealing, with
the fundamental components of the system specified
in a simple and intuitive programming language. The
abstract model is detailed enough for its
correspondence with an assembly language
implementation to be straightforward.
Peter Gammie, Tony Hosking, and ~.
Relaxing safely: Verified on-the-fly garbage collection for
Archive of Formal Proofs, 2015.
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We use ConcurrentIMP to model Schism, a
state-of-the-art real-time garbage collection scheme
for weak memory, and show that it is safe on
This development accompanies the PLDI 2015
paper of the same name.
~, Ron van der Meyden, and Chenyi Zhang.
Intransitive noninterference in nondeterministic systems.
In Ting Yu, George Danezis, and Virgil D. Gligor, editors, 19th
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, October 2012.
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This paper addresses the question of how
TA-security, a semantics for intransitive
information-flow policies in deterministic systems,
can be generalized to nondeterministic systems.
Various definitions are proposed, including
definitions that state that the system enforces as
much of the policy as possible in the context of
attacks in which groups of agents collude by sharing
information through channels that lie outside the
system. Relationships between the various
definitions proposed are characterized, and an
unwinding-based proof technique is developed.
Finally, it is shown that on a specific class of
systems, access control systems with local
non-determinism, the strongest definition can be
verified by checking a simple static property.
Gerwin Klein, June Andronick, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, David Cock,
Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, ~, Rafal Kolanski, Michael
Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, and Simon Winwood.
seL4: Formal verification of an operating-system kernel.
Communications of the ACM, 53(6):107–115, June 2010.
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We report on the formal, machine-checked
verification of the seL4 microkernel from an
abstract specification down to its C implementation.
We assume correctness of compiler, assembly code,
hardware, and boot code. seL4 is a third-generation
microkernel of L4 provenance, comprising 8,700 lines
of C and 600 lines of assembler. Its performance is
comparable to other high-performance L4 kernels. We
prove that the implementation always strictly
follows our high-level abstract specification of
kernel behaviour. This encompasses traditional
design and implementation safety properties such as
that the kernel will never crash, and it will never
perform an unsafe operation. It also implies much
more: we can predict precisely how the kernel will
behave in every possible situation.
A note on noninterference in the presence of colluding adversaries
(preliminary report).
Presented at Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and
Issues in the Theory of Security, ARSPA-WITS'10, March 27–28 2010.
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Whether adversaries can glean information from a
distributed system in a formal sense hinges on the
definition of such a system and what can be observed
by those agents. In the presence of colluding
adversaries, the standard definition of
non-interference by Goguen and Meseguer and its many
variants proposed in the literature fail in a very
intuitive sense to capture a simple collusion
attack. The crucial difference between what is
modelled in those definitions and what we argue
needs to be modelled is that teams can observe
pomsets as Plotkin and Pratt stated. In this note
we expose what goes wrong in the known approaches
and explain how to fix the problem.
~ and Ralf Huuck.
Smaller abstractions for ∀CTL* without Next.
In Dennis Dams, Ulrich Hannemann, and Martin Steffen, editors,
Concurrency, Compositionality, and Correctness: Essays in Honor of
Willem-Paul de Roever, volume 5930 of LNCS, pages 250–259.
Springer-Verlag, 2010.
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The success of applying model-checking to large
systems depends crucially on the choice of good
abstractions. In this work we present an approach
for constructing abstractions when checking
next-free universal CTL* properties. It is known
that functional abstractions are safe and that
next-free universal CTL* is insensitive to finite
stuttering. We exploit these results by introducing
a safe next-free abstraction that is
typically smaller than the usual functional one
while at the same time more precise, i.e., it has
less spurious counter-examples.
Gerwin Klein, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, June Andronick, David Cock,
Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, ~, Rafal Kolanski, Michael
Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, and Simon Winwood.
seL4: Formal verification of an OS kernel.
In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles (SOSP), pages 207–220, Big Sky, MT, USA, October 2009. ACM.
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~ and Yoram Moses.
Causing communication closure: safe program composition with reliable
non-FIFO channels.
Distributed Computing, 22(2):73–91, October 2009.
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A rigorous framework for analyzing safe composition
of distributed programs is presented. It facilitates
specifying notions of safe sequential execution of
distributed programs in various models of
communication. A notion of sealing is
defined, where if a program P is immediately
followed by a program Q that seals P then P
will be communication-closed—it will execute as if
it runs in isolation. None of its send or receive
actions will match or interact with actions
outside P. The applicability of sealing is
illustrated by a study of program composition when
communication is reliable but not necessarily
FIFO . In this model, special care must be taken to
ensure that messages do not accidentally overtake
one another in the composed program. In this model
no program that sends or receives messages can be
composed automatically with arbitrary programs
without jeopardizing their intended behavior. Safety
of composition becomes context-sensitive and new
tools are needed for ensuring it. The investigation
of sealing in this model reveals a novel connection
between Lamport causality and safe composition. A
characterization of sealable programs is given, as
well as efficient algorithms for testing if Q
seals P and for constructing a seal for a class of
straight-line programs. It is shown that every
sealable program can be sealed using O(n)
messages. In fact, 3n-4 messages are necessary and
sufficient in the worst case, despite the fact that
a sealable program may be open to interference on
Ω(n2) channels.
~ and Yoram Moses.
Single-bit messages are insufficient for data link over duplicating
Information Processing Letters, 107(6):235–239, August 2008.
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Ideal communication channels in asynchronous
systems are reliable, deliver messages in FIFO
order, and do not deliver spurious or duplicate
messages. A message vocabulary of size two (i.e.,
single-bit messages) suffices to encode and transmit
messages of arbitrary finite length over such
channels. This note proves that single-bit messages
are insufficient once channels potentially deliver
duplicate messages. In particular, it is shown that
no protocol allows the sender to notify the receiver
which of three values it holds, over a
bidirectional, reliable, FIFO channel that may
duplicate messages. This implies that messages must
encode some additional control information, e.g., in
the form of headers or tags.
~, Peter Gammie, and Ron van der Meyden.
Model checking knowledge and linear time: PSPACE cases.
In Sergei N. Artëmov and Anil Nerode, editors, Logical
Foundations of Computer Science, International Symposium, LFCS 2007, New
York, NY, USA, June 4-7, 2007, Proceedings, volume 4514 of LNCS, pages
195–211. Springer-Verlag, June 2007.
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We present a general algorithm scheme for model
checking logics of knowledge, common knowledge and
linear time, based on simulations to a class of
structures that capture the way that agents update
their knowledge. We show that the scheme leads to
PSPACE implementations of model checking the logic
of knowledge and linear time in several special
cases: perfect recall systems with a single agent or
in which all communication is by synchronous
broadcast, and systems in which knowledge is
interpreted using either the agents' current
observation only or its current observation and
clock value. In all these results, common knowledge
operators may be included in the language. Matching
lower bounds are provided, and it is shown that
although the complexity bound matches the PSPACE
complexity of the linear time temporal logic LTL, as
a function of the model size the problems considered
have a higher complexity than LTL.
~ and Yoram Moses.
Single-bit messages are insufficient in the presence of duplication.
In Ajit Pal, Ajay Kshemkalyani, Rajeev Kumar, and Arobinda Gupta,
editors, 7th International Workshop on Distributed Computing
IWDC 2005, volume 3741 of LNCS, pages 25–31. Springer-Verlag,
December 27–30 2005.
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Ideal communication channels in asynchronous systems
are reliable, deliver messages in FIFO order, and do
not deliver spurious or duplicate messages. A
message vocabulary of size two (i.e., single-bit
messages) suffices to encode and transmit messages
of arbitrary finite length over such channels. This
note proves that single-bit messages are
insufficient once channels potentially deliver
duplicate messages. In particular, it is shown that
no protocol allows the sender to notify the receiver
which of three values it holds, over a
bidirectional, reliable, FIFO channel that may
duplicate messages. This implies that messages must
encode some additional control information, e.g., in
the form of headers or tags.
~ and Yoram Moses.
Safe composition of distributed programs communicating over
order-preserving imperfect channels.
In Ajit Pal, Ajay Kshemkalyani, Rajeev Kumar, and Arobinda Gupta,
editors, 7th International Workshop on Distributed Computing
IWDC 2005, volume 3741 of LNCS, pages 32–44. Springer-Verlag,
December 27–30 2005.
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The fundamental question considered in this paper is
when program Q, if executed immediately after
program P, is guaranteed not to interfere with P
and be safe from interference by P. If a message
sent by one of these programs is received by the
other, it may affect and modify the other's
execution. The notion of communication-closed
layers (CCLs) introduced by Elrad and Francez in
1982 is a useful tool for studying such
interference. CCLs have been considered mainly in
the context of reliable FIFO channels (without
duplication), where one can design programs layers
that do not interfere with any other layer. When
channels are less than perfect such programs are no
longer feasible. The absence of interference between
layers becomes context-dependent. In this paper we
study the impact of message duplication and loss on
the safety on the safety of layer composition. Using
a communication phase operator, the fits
after relation among programs is defined. If
program Q fits after P then P and Q will not
interfere with each other in executions of P*Q.
For programs P and Q in a natural class of
programs we outline efficient algorithms for the
following: (1) deciding whether Q fits after P;
(2) deciding whether Q seals P, meaning
that Q fits after P and no following program can
communicate with P; and (3) constructing a
separator S that both fits after P and
satisfies that Q fits after P*S.
~ and Yoram Moses.
Causing communication closure: Safe program composition with
non-FIFO channels.
In Pierre Fraigniaud, editor, DISC 2005 19th
International Symposium on Distributed Computing, volume 3724 of LNCS,
pages 229–243. Springer-Verlag, September 26–29 2005.
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A semantic framework for analyzing safe composition
of distributed programs is presented. Its
applicability is illustrated by a study of program
composition when communication is reliable but not
necessarily FIFO . In this model, special care must
be taken to ensure that messages do not accidentally
overtake one another in the composed program. We
show that barriers do not exist in this model.
Indeed, no program that sends or receives messages
can automatically be composed with arbitrary
programs without jeopardizing their intended
behavior. Safety of composition becomes
context-sensitive and new tools are needed for
ensuring it. A notion of sealing is defined,
where if a program P is immediately followed by a
program Q that seals P then P will be
communication-closed—it will execute as if it runs
in isolation. The investigation of sealing in this
model reveals a novel connection between Lamport
causality and safe composition. A characterization
of sealable programs is given, as well as efficient
algorithms for testing if Q seals P and for
constructing a seal for a significant class of
programs. It is shown that every sealable program
that is open to interference on O(n2) channels
can be sealed using O(n) messages.
~, Ron van der Meyden, and Kaile Su.
Modal logics with a linear hierarchy of local propositional
In Philippe Balbiani, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki, Frank Wolter, and Michael
Zakharyaschev, editors, Advances in Modal Logic, volume 4, pages 9–30.
King's College London Publications, 2003.
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Local propositions arise in the context of the
semantics for logics of knowledge in multi-agent
systems. A proposition is local to an agent when it
depends only on that agent's local state. We
consider a logic, LLP, that extends S5, the modal
logic of necessity (in which the modality refers to
truth at all worlds) by adding a quantifier ranging
over the set of all propositions and, for each
agent, a propositional quantifier ranging over the
agent's local propositions. LLP is able to express a
large variety of epistemic modalities, including
knowledge, common knowledge and distributed
knowledge. However, this expressiveness comes at a
cost: the logic is equivalent to second order
predicate logic when two independent agents are
present [22], hence undecidable and
not axiomatizable. This paper identifies a class of
multi-agent S5 structures, hierarchical
structures, in which the agents' information has
the structure of a linear hierarchy. All systems
with just a single agent are hierarchical. It is
shown that LLP becomes decidable with respect to
hierarchical systems. The main result of the paper
is the completeness of an axiomatization for the
hierarchical case.
~, Ron van der Meyden, and Kaile Su.
Modal logics with a linear hierarchy of local propositional
quantifiers (preliminary version).
In Nobu-Yuki Suzuki and Frank Wolter, editors, Advances in Modal
Logic 2002 (AiML), pages 63–76. Institut de recherche en informatique de
Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, September 2002.
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Towards a refinement theory that supports reasoning about knowledge
and time for multiple agents (work in progress).
In John Derrick, Eerke Boiten, Jim Woodcock, and Joakim von Wright,
editors, REFINE '02 An FME sponsored Refinement Workshop in
collaboration with BCS FACS, page 23. Computing Laboratory, University of
Kent at Canterbury, UK, July 2002.
Preliminary Proceedings.
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~, Ron van der Meyden, and Yoram Moses.
A refinement theory that supports reasoning about knowledge and time
for synchronous agents.
In Robert Nieuwenhuis and Andrei Voronkov, editors, Proceedings
LPAR 2001, volume 2250 of LNAI, pages 125–141. Springer-Verlag,
December 2001.
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An expressive semantic framework for program
refinement that supports both temporal reasoning and
reasoning about the knowledge of multiple agents is
developed. The refinement calculus owes the
cleanliness of its decomposition rules for all
programming language constructs and the relative
simplicity of its semantic model to a rigid
synchrony assumption which requires all agents and
the environment to proceed in lockstep. The new
features of the calculus are illustrated in a
derivation of the two-phase-commit protocol.
~, Ron van der Meyden, and Yoram Moses.
A program refinement framework supporting reasoning about knowledge
and time.
In Jerzy Tiuryn, editor, Foundations of Software Science and
Computation Structures, volume 1784 of LNCS, pages 114–129.
Springer-Verlag, March 2000.
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This paper develops a highly expressive semantic
framework for program refinement that supports both
temporal reasoning and reasoning about the knowledge
of a single agent. The framework generalizes a
previously developed temporal refinement framework
by amalgamating it with a logic of quantified local
propositions, a generalization of the logic of
knowledge. The combined framework provides a formal
setting for development of knowledge-based programs,
and addresses two problems of existing theories of
such programs: lack of compositionality and the fact
that such programs often have only implementations
of high computational complexity. Use of the
framework is illustrated by a control theoretic
example concerning a robot operating with an
imprecise position sensor.
~ and Ron van der Meyden.
Modal logics with a hierarchy of local propositional quantifiers
(extended abstract).
In Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Victor Marek, and Jeffrey Remmel,
editors, Proceedings of the FLoC'99 Workshop Complexity-Theoretic and
Recursion-Theoretic Methods in Databases and Artificial Intelligence, pages
81–90, July 6 1999.
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~, Ron van der Meyden, and Yoram Moses.
Knowledge and the logic of local propositions.
In Itzhak Gilboa, editor, Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and
Knowledge, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference (TARK 1998), pages 29–41.
Morgan Kaufmann, July 1998.
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An agent's limited view of the state of a
distributed system may render globally different
situations indistinguishable. A proposition is local
for this agent whenever his view suffices to decide
this proposition. Motivated by a framework for the
development of distributed programs from
knowledge-based specifications, we introduce a modal
logic of local propositions, in which it is possible
to quantify over such propositions. We show that
this logic is able to represent a rich set of
epistemic notions. Under the usual strong semantics,
this logic is not recursively axiomatizable,
however. We show that by weakening the semantics of
quantification, it is possible to obtain a logic
that is axiomatizable and is still able to express
interesting epistemic notions.
Willem-Paul de Roever and ~.
Data Refinement: Model-Oriented Proof Methods and their
Number 47 in Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Paperback re-issue 2009. Errata at
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Model-Oriented Data Refinement.
PhD thesis, Institut für Informatik und Praktische Mathematik,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, July 1997.
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The goal of this thesis is to provide a
comprehensive and systematic introduction to the
important and highly applicable method of data
refinement and proving simulation. We concentrate in
the first part on the general principles needed to
prove data refinement correct, and begin with an
explanation of the fundamental notions, showing that
data refinement proofs reduce to proving simulation.
The topics of Hoare Logic and the Refinement
Calculus are then introduced and a general theory of
simulations is developed and related to them.
Accessibility and comprehension are emphasised in
order to guide newcomers to the area. The second
part of this thesis contains a detailed survey of
important methods in this area, such as VDM, and the
methods due to Abadi & Lamport, Hehner, Lynch and
Reynolds, and Back's refinement calculus. All these
methods are carefully analysed, and shown to be
either incomplete, with counterexamples to their
application, or to be always applicable whenever
data refinement holds. This is shown by proving, for
the first time, that all of them can be described
and analysed in terms of two simple notions: forward
and backward simulation.
~ and Willem-Paul de Roever.
New win[e/d] for old bags.
In John Tromp, editor, A dynamic and quick intellect, Paul
Vitányi 25 years @ CWI, pages 59–66. CWI, Amsterdam, November 1996.
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~ and Willem-Paul de Roever.
Simulation of specification statements in Hoare logic.
In Wojciech Penczek and Andrzej Szalas, editors, Mathematical
Foundations of Computer Science 1996, 21st International Symposium, MFCS
'96, Cracow, Poland, Proceedings, volume 1113 of LNCS, pages
324–335. Springer-Verlag, September 1996.
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Data refinement is a powerful technique to derive
implementations in terms of low-level data
structures like bytes from specification in terms of
high-level data structures like queues. The higher
level operations need not be coded as ordinary
programs; it is more convenient to introduce
specification statements to the programming language
and use them instead of actual code. Specification
statements represent the maximal program satisfying
a given Hoare-triple. Sound and (relatively)
complete simulation techniques allow for proving
data refinement by local arguments. A major
challenge for simulation consists of expressing the
weakest lower level specification simulating a given
higher level specification w.r.t. a given relation
between these two levels of abstraction. We present
solutions to this challenge for upward and downward
simulation in both partial and total correctness
frameworks, thus reducing the task of proving data
refinement to proving validity of certain
~ and Willem-Paul de Roever.
Towards a practitioners' approach to Abadi and Lamport's method.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 7(5):550–575, 1995.
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Our own basic intuitions are presented when
introducing the method developed by Abadi and
Lamport in [?] for proving refinement
between specifications of nondeterministic programs
correct to people unacquainted with it. The example
we use to illustrate this method is a nontrivial
communication protocol that provides a mechanism
analogous to message passing between migrating
processes within a fixed finite network of nodes due
to Kleinman, Moscowitz, Pnueli, and
Shapiro [?]. Especially the cruel last
step of a three step refinement proof of that
protocol gives rise to a deeper understanding of,
and some small enhancements to, Abadi and Lamport's
1988 method.
~ and Willem-Paul de Roever.
Generalizing Abadi & Lamport's method to solve a problem posed
by A. Pnueli.
In Jim C.P. Woodcock and Peter Gorm Larsen, editors, FME '93:
Industrial-Strength Formal Methods, volume 670 of LNCS, pages
294–313. Springer-Verlag, April 1993.
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Verallgemeinerungen der Methode von Abadi und Lamport um ein von A.
Pnueli gestelltes Problem zu lösen.
Master's thesis, Institut für Informatik und Praktische
Mathematik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, January 1993.
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By adding a new technique and a simple proof
strategy to Abadi & Lamport's 1988 method
[?] for proving refinement between
specifications of distributed programs correct, the
inherent limitation of their method, occurring when
the abstract level of specification features
so-called infinite invisible nondeterminism or
internal discontinuity, can be sometimes overcome.
This technique is applied to the cruel last step of
a three step correctness proof for an algorithm for
communication between migrating processes within a
finite network due to Kleinman, Moscowitz, Pnueli &
Shapiro [?].